LARP Anderthalbhänder "Dunkelelf"
Anderthalbhänder "Dunkelelf" aus Schaumstoff mit Kernstab
This one-handed sword looks particularly impressing. The differently shaped blade is decorated with gemstones which could have magical abilities. The paring bar has an aggressive shape that makes the whole sword look much more dangerous.
This sword is suitable especially for fantasy-characters like elves.
The handling of a bastard sword requires much skill and training, once mastered, the warrior will have the advantages of both, one-handed and two-handed sword fighting techniques.
The sword is made of durable foam and coated with latex. It has a flexible fiberglass core. The tip of the sword is additionally stabilized with leather.
total length: 109 cm
blade length: 84 cm
Please note:
In order to preserve the weapon as best as possible and to maintain quality for a long time, we recommend the regular use of silicone spray. Please also take care to protect the weapon from long and extreme sunshine or other environmental influences. Soiling can be removed with water.
For your safety
No safety precautions for materials and workmanship can replace the responsible handling of a LARP weapon. Please keep an eye on each other when using the weapons so that no one is injured.
Vor allem geeignet ist dieses Schwert für Fantasy-Charaktere wie Elfen.
Der Name "Bastardschwert" kommt daher, dass es sich bei dieser Art von Schwert um eine Mischform von Einhänder und Bidenhänder handelt. Wer im Umgang mit beidem geübt ist, der wird in dem Anderthalbhänder den Vorteil sehen, dass Kampftechniken von beiden Schwertarten damit ausgeführt werden können